hurting heart

私が願うのは あなたとの絆だけ



OK, I think I've overloaded this week. That plus lunch out on Saturday will be liek wtf to what I've been working on all year... but I guess I'll lose s'more on fasting month anyway so I don't have any guilts.

Nah, nah, finally I got tagged.

1. Tell us your name:
Green Wanderer, Yasmi, Azu-chan, whatever name you know me with

2. Three things about yourself:
- Anime and football fan
- Learned Japanese since 8 years ago
- Looks pemarah and pendiam but is actually child-like and easy to laugh

3. What’s in your playlist:
Mostly Yui Sakakibara, usually anime music

4. Your favourite music:
Music that comes from anime or H-games. Can be cutesy or sentimental

5. Favourite guilty pleasure:
...umm singing, maybe?

6. Favourite food:
Sushi =_=;

7. Define love:
What differentiates between wanting her beside you in bed tonight, or forever

8. Define sex:
What differentiates between wanting her beside you in bed forever, or tonight

9. Any celebrity crushes?:

10. The last person you hugged:
Uh... forgot.

11. The last person you talked to:
My bro. We were playing WE10

12. The last time you cried:
Listening to Okazaki-sensei's For Fruits Basket again yesterday

13. The last time you had sex:
*digs nose* ...*shrug* I'll probably be a virgin for life

14. The last time you made out:
Dude, I don't make out because I don't have a gf

15. The last person you dated:

16. The last time you went out:
Lunched out on Wed

17. What’s on your mind now?:
I'm full

18. What’s bothering you?:
Doing my project

19. This year’s resolutions:
Slim down (and I did :D)

20. Your MSN nick:
"bawa i-a yang terpaling last ketawa tantunya aku"

21. What’s your MSN nick about?:
A nice Bruneian translation of Lucky Star OP that follows the tune

22. The people you miss the most:
I miss a lot of people

23. Current mood:

24. What are you thinking?:
Isn't Q.17 the same as this?

25. Best childhood memory:
Um... prolly playing with my pink penguin

26. 3 of your biggest fears:
Name 3 creepy crawlies and put them here

27. Who do you love?:
I love anime girls, eroge heroines... and you all of course

28. 3 of the things you hate:
- stupid eroge heroes or anime male chars
- menyusahkan orang
- emotional pressure

29. Do you blog?:
I'm a blog freak - I even blog at FOS!

30. Tag 5 people:
Insert 5 random people. :D


My turn...

3rd semester.

Somehow you all brought me out to sungkai.

Vas was going so why not? By that time I know most of your names, yet I haven't connected. So I need to start -somewhere-.

Across the table, was a face I recognised, back in Form 6. She sat at the far right in Physics class. Knowing that we were both from SMSA, I talked with her and then to you all.

I thought I began my UBD life there. All the guy friends, all the girl friends, I love you all. It would have come some time but that time when you took me out to sungkai, I opened up as if I was new to the class. I was suffering from some stressful times online and so why not?

But you were the catalyst of all this perhaps, Fidah. We were teammates this time last year... I went to your house for some ambuyat, you also picked me up to UBD on school holiday to... ah I forgot what it was for actually... and that was just the one time of many. Heck, last week you even sent me to the hostel. I can't believe it was all so sudden that you left us.

Yes thank you for the computer spot, I'll take care of your machine and it will be the object to remember you by. This is so different than when Adib or Ling Tze left us... I can't see you as much anymore or something. And your disappearance is felt.

So... good luck to what you will do in the future. I should really be more emotional than what I look like the past few days, so I'm really sorry...



Last night I watched Rakugo at the Lecture Hall at Chancellor's Hall UBD. It was really awesome, I never knew such Japanese storytelling can be retold quite good in English. I did watch some at NHK before, including an awesome one when a single performer, on a stage with several cushions, did a group conversation. He shifted between the cushions between lines every split-second, helped by shutting off the lights when he moves.

There were 5 acts, all 5 were really good (or I'm just too easy to be pleased) but they saved the best for last, which is a combo of rakugo, magic, puppetry and miming.

There was one point that was lost in translation; in the first act, when Oku-sama asked Konsuke how old the girl Danna-sama was seeing is, Konsuke replied "five" which he thinks she was asking how many sweetbuns he wants. This is because 'ikutsu' can be used for 'how many' or 'how old'.

Of course there may be others, but I guess comedy is, in a whole, universal. I'm glad I took the time to watch last night's show (which I nearly forgot until a chance meeting with Hanafi at the Mall) and I would love to watch it again.



Congratulations to my mom whose dikir group won the dikir competition between her dikir class. I've been in a dikir competition for schools myself (we got 4th, but that was maybe due to the non-enthusiasm of my other teammates... okay I was partly to blame for not coming to rehearsals, but it's a really long story best kept for another entry -_-) and I'm still waiting for that... that kind of dikir voice that can shake my heart and make me cry, like the one I heard in Form 6, or that same competition I was in when my dear Safoora performed something I am forever searching but believe I will never hear again... because it was just up there with the greatest sounds and voices you'll hear once in a lifetime.

...OKAY enough sissytalk. I don't like my hair. Not like I've liked it in the past, but if you've seen me lately I've been styling it to a Hershey-head. I see it often on footballers, Becks himself did this hairstyle. But... sigh. All my life, I only spent 15 secs on my hair, now it takes 3 minutes and it's such a nuisance. But, I hate diets but I still do it. So why not styling my hair. It's just so against my values (I'm not vain, but my bro is) so that's why I'm ranting. Speaking of which I need to trim it I think.

I am so dead, under tons of uni work...



Oh I so missed UBD... NOT

Right. Stuff online at FOS had a complete overhaul. My academic life is also on overhaul as my final year project comes in.

But I'm gonna assure you, I am turning over a newer, greener leaf this semester and beyond. I'm going to do my work, at the first opportunity (or second... or third... etc etc) ... I mean ASAP. This is no hot hot chicken dung, because one of the reasons why I don't do my work is that I actually have forgotten all about it. Only when people say "oi due date ari ani jua" I would go "huh? ...oh.". And such I will keep my first 革命書 kakumeisho analog PDA, with a cover of the Code Geass gang. Along with some motivational posters stamped around my room.

I think I'll also have to actually buy some books. They cost a fortune, but they're worth the investment.

Wishful first-day revolutions resolutions are wishful. But a step forward is better than not moving.



My body took a parting shot at summer before leaving for UBD - it managed to make me suffer with a tummyache. Apparently I suffered it _before_ the outing last Wednesday, and by the next day I was in bed with a fever and I couldn't go and stay at Rizquin with my family for the nikah ceremony of my cousin in Mulaut.

Hopefully I'll be cured today. Need to pack my stuff for hostel. lalala