hurting heart

私が願うのは あなたとの絆だけ


Birthday Wishes

Lalala Happy Birthday to Me~

I'm not going hardcore upon coming to 23. I'm gonna go laycore.


I'm addicted to the nearby Keropok Lekor. So I want a lot of it. Rawrrr

And I've started tweaking the computers downstairs. Finally making sense of all these freedom in computing stuff the lecturers are bitching to us all the time.

And I want you all to update more D:

And... maa, a happy life for all.

You all are the best presents ever for me...


I wouldn't want to be English right now

Football: owned (by Russia)
Rugby: owned (by S.Africa)
Racing: owned (by a Finn)
plus whatever sport that the English never get ahold of like tennis or golf








Bah. Selamat Hari Raya to all my readers.


I never miss to sleep on the first day. Serious. I know I need to go langgar people with my family but I usually doze off on their sofas. Nda membari malu kah tu?



7:00 - go to UBD
2:00 - go home from UBD
3:00 - arrive at home, errands, housework, sungkai prep etc.
6:30 - sungkai, then wash up
8:00 - shower, study time
10:00 - sleep
3:00 - wake up, sahur prep etc.
4:30 - study time
5:30 - shower, get ready for UBD


Now you know why I can't go to tarawih.


Just a small advice

Sometimes I thought, if I went to Scotland, or even abroad earlier in my life, would I become such a different, better person than I am now.

Because there's one prime example I can take. My elder sister.

Before she went to Strathclyde, she was to me, a kind of unapproachable family member. She'd cordon off stuff like her room or her activities, she went out often, and everytime my mom nags at her she'd sulk a lot. Even today I still have second thoughts on stuff like waking her up, back then she had bad mornings that make you even run away seeing her face like that.

But then she went to Glasgow for two years, as I went on with my first two years at UBD (She's our 3x senior). When she came back, I am convinced that she was another person altogether.

Everything scary about her was gone. She laughs a lot nowadays, she jokes, she exhibits this cheery mood most of the time, and has never looked negative. Even when she's under the weather or in stress. I owe that change, to whatever was in Scotland. And I guess it's everything about not just Scotland but going overseas. Because all that narrow-mindedness you get in Brunei, all the bad things about our environment is gone there. At the same time, your comfort zone that you once had in Brunei isn't there anymore so you need to put up and get up and be independent. Speak your mind. Be positive.

I'm saying that like a hypocrite but anyway, to all you people who are on a distant land now, let my sister be an example for you all, even if you've never met her. Try and change whatever bad trait you have and turn a new leaf. Be a better person because something like what you're going through, you can only experience it here and now, and it's needless to say this but you are lucky people, if you look at me and the rest.

Once again, speak your mind. Not in encryptions or riddles or some shit.


A tough mint to crack

It was a nice morning to sleep in. Overcast sky, cool temperature... ahhh if only. But no. There's Security and the thought school of Dr. Brown to attend today.

I haven't got any decent sleep in awhile. I can't get myself to at night, I don't know. And this week is the first in two years for the household not to have an amah around. Fortunately we've been in this situation a good number of times. But that also means I need to stay up overnight wake them up at 3:30, and especially my mom with her darn comfy SunDreamer bed (DON'T. ASK.) making her less inclined to wake up for sahur.

And suddenly it dawned to me that making your own wikipedia is only exciting soon as you make it up and running. The editing is ridiculous and, just like when I was writing my own stories, I don't know if anybody else cared.

And last night was a real frustrating time for me. The damn Linux Mint can't ever run in a 256MB RAM computer. It's too slow, and the CD-ROM drive isn't helping either. It can't spin to CD-Rs properly (like some CD players) so I had to reuse a scratchy but heavier CD-RW and burn the ISO on it. But the damn thing freezes at installation on all kinds of stages.

...but I'm not giving up hopes yet. Looks like GNOME is the nicest desktop to the eye (just look at the number of Ubuntu users...) and the colours and interface are really really nice. I'll try to install one in the Unix Lab (hope I can talk Mr. Chong out of taking another machine to the crowded-already place...) and finally force myself into the nice side of GNU/Linux using.