Overdue an update
- Last weekend we went to Giant and after a short while, got a parking space right near the front of the entrance :p pretty big place, reminds me of those places like Carrefour in Oman. Can't finish touring. nothing unusual about the place anyway, except Teabox. Easy Way was the best drinks place in Brunei before Teabox came from across the border. Now open a branch in Belait will you...
- I've been thinking, I must be out of my mind to not have anything to do that doesn't constitute me as a hikikomori after UBD finishes soon. I wanna shell out on some good stuff, a new guitar and new football boots. But at the same time, I wanna build my desktop and looks like my laptop's dying soon too, dilemma ><;
- This sounds like bragging, but I sometimes get too amused that nobody notices me on the outside that I'm a huge anime fan, anime songs translator and expert and able to speak Japanese. I admin one of the most visited anime song reference sites out there. But I guess nobody really likes anime that deep - even with stuff like cheap DVDs of the current anime scene and Animax, people just find it hard to delve into some fantasy realm you can't relate in real life like you can with movies or drama. So I guess it's justified for me to live a quiet life.
- Damn I have to drive, I need to drive. But I got no car. I don't wanna ask my dad to buy me one, he looks real stingy lately (and I'm not that sort of son anyway). All these years talking with my siblings about cars and -still- I'm a car n00b. I guess I wasn't born to dri- errr whatever happened to "I have to drive"?
- All hell is breaking loose on the other side of the world... You guys need to sit down and sort it out, seriously. We're worried, I'm telling you. Damn, what if I was in the thick of things. It would get more awful if I went there, considering my track record.
- It's what I've predicted all along, hats off to TelBru for lowering the e(rroneously-advertised)-speed monthly charge, because people will actually want to upgrade their service to 1Mbps now. You know what I honestly think? (No comment on b-mobile's misleading package...) TelBru, you now have direct competition, so it's time to gain what you took for granted all these years - trust. Get your service to be more reliable, and I'll think of upgrading my own line.
- I've been thinking, I must be out of my mind to not have anything to do that doesn't constitute me as a hikikomori after UBD finishes soon. I wanna shell out on some good stuff, a new guitar and new football boots. But at the same time, I wanna build my desktop and looks like my laptop's dying soon too, dilemma ><;
- This sounds like bragging, but I sometimes get too amused that nobody notices me on the outside that I'm a huge anime fan, anime songs translator and expert and able to speak Japanese. I admin one of the most visited anime song reference sites out there. But I guess nobody really likes anime that deep - even with stuff like cheap DVDs of the current anime scene and Animax, people just find it hard to delve into some fantasy realm you can't relate in real life like you can with movies or drama. So I guess it's justified for me to live a quiet life.
- Damn I have to drive, I need to drive. But I got no car. I don't wanna ask my dad to buy me one, he looks real stingy lately (and I'm not that sort of son anyway). All these years talking with my siblings about cars and -still- I'm a car n00b. I guess I wasn't born to dri- errr whatever happened to "I have to drive"?
- All hell is breaking loose on the other side of the world... You guys need to sit down and sort it out, seriously. We're worried, I'm telling you. Damn, what if I was in the thick of things. It would get more awful if I went there, considering my track record.
- It's what I've predicted all along, hats off to TelBru for lowering the e(rroneously-advertised)-speed monthly charge, because people will actually want to upgrade their service to 1Mbps now. You know what I honestly think? (No comment on b-mobile's misleading package...) TelBru, you now have direct competition, so it's time to gain what you took for granted all these years - trust. Get your service to be more reliable, and I'll think of upgrading my own line.
1 件のコメント:
17/4/08 20:42 に投稿,
Green Wanderer さんは書きました...
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