hurting heart

私が願うのは あなたとの絆だけ



Have BJFA-UBD meeting later, and I'm gonna get to find out who's gonna be with me in the Karaoke Club. I don't know if I'm really in the Exec+Head of BJFA-UBD (I'm just the head of a club) but it's great if I am.

I hear this weekend is Study @ UBD... well I think I need a break so I'm gonna take Saturday off.

Dammit, still no hostel coupons since the friggin makcik is always AWOL whenever I go back to hostel. It's no fair because everyone else has cars and drive back to get them whenever they can and if they don't, their friends get it for them. Which is why sometimes I don't get the coupons for sometimes a whole month.

2 件のコメント:

  • 8/2/06 18:23 に投稿, Blogger Venus さんは書きました...

    Kesian jua ko..the makcik shud do an efficient way of distributing the coupon bah..ani mcm nda peduli saja..sesapa saja di baginya..kesian org yg nda dapat kupon...nda kna complain ka??

  • 9/2/06 08:23 に投稿, Blogger duolulu さんは書きました...

    komplen ke segment pengguna RTB.



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