Time to make a Esper-style post
Even tho we had Japanese mekap lesson at 10 pun masih jua RANCHI-AUTO... masa ni di MackD... makan ayam & burger. Lama dah nda makan sana. Tapi minuman nda cukup, should've bought that jumbo-size one baru kanyang~
At 12 rush balik ke UBD but b4 dat c Vas kan ke TOIRE tia... jumpa dis UBD guy in there (of all places...lol) and then turun escalator jumpa Anuar X3 bwahahaha atutah krajanya all day... lepakz @ da MaLL... siuk eh repeat... bisai...
Sampai k Jap class at 12:20 @_@ sampat jua belajar, hahaha...
Lapas tu tarus ke ETC for Atab's Anime Computer Graphics Demonstration. 4y4m, Maguro-chan, Rairai, all there! An orgy of Bruneian CG artists, demonstrating their M@D $k177Z... SUTEKI! Atab lupa bali plastic case 4 da FREE TUTORIAL CD WITH EACH ATTENDANCE so cian c Vas suruh balikan. Aku tolong burn CD-CD yang balum beburn sampai angus...
I thought it went well ^^ Rairai looks so great. Maguro is shy and cute. 4y4m is so cool and simple. Both are just like what I thought they would be like X3;;; then again, what am I on DevArt really...
The show finished before 4. O-tSuKaRe-$@M@ dash-tah!~~~
How was the eye-burn? Okay I promise I won't make an update like that again.
1 件のコメント:
16/3/06 15:55 に投稿,
Venus さんは書きました...
Sakit mataku mbaca eh post mu ah...colorful bnar bah..LoL..tapi lawa meliat lah...laterzz..
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