hurting heart

私が願うのは あなたとの絆だけ



Today I went to RIPAS and saw Eechut with some of the CS students. She's having/will have an operation, so we ought to visit her and brought her flowers and a teddy bear. Mastermind looks so playful with it... haha. So I suggested we give it a gender and name and now C.S. is a she.

We talked for awhile and when we were leaving, not to take any chances, I held C.S. on the head with my hand and closed my eyes in a deep prayer - she will watch over her from then till the end.

We wish Eechut a quick recovery.

Last tutorial of Miss KOTOKO today. In the end she said "I don't like all of you" so that was it. I don't wanna see her face again.

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