hurting heart

私が願うのは あなたとの絆だけ


You want me to... what?

7 Things that scares me:

1. must always be Him.
2. Death
3. Losing all my data files
4. Eat something rotten x_x
5. my phobia.
6. no internets
7. doing a stupid mistake

7 Things I like the most:

1. The internets
2. Gaming, the non-judi kind
3. H-Gaming, the non-perverted kind
4. Anime~
5. Astrology
6. Chemistry
7. Detective fiction

7 Important things in my room:

(the hostel room I'm referring to here)

1. Java books
2. My laptop
3. My guitar
4. My musical keyboard
5. (in future) my wallpapers
6. My bed
7. My ...clothes? D:

7 random facts about me:

1. I mod /b/ @ PuLU now
2. I have an online existence, if you're uninitiated, feel free to find it.
3. My main interest in science is actually Chemistry.
4. My parents work at BLNG so I thought I could carry on the legacy...
5. I once played football so good that I once represented the hostel team
6. Speaking of football, I could go on all day talking about it if you're also a fan. I like manymany teams, but my #1 is definitely Man U. Been supporting them since I was Darjah Pra.
7. I love dikir, more than I love karaoke.

7 things I plan to do before I die:

1. Get married, don't care how
2. Raise kids in a way different than how my mom had raised me
3. Set up a marriage counseling school.
4. Be fluent in Japanese. At least get to JLPT 1kyu.
5. Go and meet my online friends.
6. Make PuLU one of the most well-known groups in Brunei.
7. Be able to drive.

7 things I can do:

1. Sing. Not in a horrible way.
2. Pass the football long or short, yet accurate :D
3. Sing a range of dikir, nasyid and rawi song patterns.
4. Not sleep for 24 hours
5. Act >_>;
6. Treat you to lunch?
7. Play hockey :D

7 things I can't do:

1. Iron my own clothes
2. Drive
3. Gardening
4. Sleep normally
5. Look at people in the eyes
6. speak, type or act l33t
7. take care of my own self

7 Things I say the most:

1. Paloi
2. Bayi
3. Ugh
4. Eek/Eep
5. Atu banar
6. ...kali ah
7. OMG

7 Legend-H-game girls:

1. Nayuki Minase (Kanon)
2. Minagi Tono (AIR)
3. Nemu Asakura (D.C.)
4. Yuki Katase (Mizuiro)
5. Shigure Kitazato (SNOW)
6. Satsuki Yumizuka (Tsukihime)
7. HMX-13 Serio (To Heart)

6 件のコメント:

  • 20/9/05 01:08 に投稿, Blogger Green Wanderer さんは書きました...

    Bapaku sama Mamaku is having very good relationship. Kadai bapaku is happy and rich. Long Live Bapaku.

    Yea? I have a cold-tub blog D:

    *checks the water out* *drains your hot water* Not hot enough for me.

    Another spam down the drain )-:

  • 20/9/05 08:38 に投稿, Blogger duolulu さんは書きました...

    Atu banar!! Better call u Chemical GW. I like astrology too.. the theory. And I used to like karaoke (hantam nyanyi), but now I prefer to see ppl singing. Hehe.. u want to elope ka..?

  • 21/9/05 00:16 に投稿, Blogger Green Wanderer さんは書きました...

    Marriage counseling _school_, not marriage counseling _at_ school, dumbarse.

  • 22/9/05 01:43 に投稿, Blogger duolulu さんは書きました...

    Hehe.. why u wanna setup that thing?? Syllabus X?

  • 15/3/06 18:08 に投稿, Blogger Green Wanderer さんは書きました...

    I want you to... DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALONG WITH YOUR CHEMICALS.

  • 21/11/06 04:39 に投稿, Blogger Green Wanderer さんは書きました...

    I'd like to drown you all and boil your carcass.



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